Marketing Ideas

Learn how to consistently come up with new marketing ideas that generate results. Stop wasting your time on work that doesn’t matter.

This course will help you generate 30 new, goal-focused content ideas in just 30 minutes. The process outlined in this course is the exact process we use at CoSchedule, and we know you’ll find success with it, too!

Who should take this course?

All Marketers

  • Any marketer that wants to come up with new ideas
  • Any marketing team that is strategically planning ideas for the next year, month, or quarter.

Marketing Course Level:

  • Intermediate

Estimated Length of Time To Complete This Course:

  • 60-90 Minutes

Whether you’re a team or individual, this course outlines how you can come up with better, smarter marketing ideas that will help you generate results you want.

Coming up with new, creative ideas can take a lot of time and energy. This course will walk you through the exact steps to come up with a long list of ideas in just 30 minutes!

Lessons Include:

  • Lesson One: Discover Your Best Ideas Using This 10-Minute Brainstorming Process
  • Lesson Two: How To Rank Your Marketing Ideas Using A 3-Point Scale
  • Lesson Three: The Criteria to Distinguish Great vs. Not-So Great Marketing Ideas
  • Lesson Four: Mapping Out Your 10x Ideas Onto Your Marketing Calendar
  • Lesson Five: Execute Your 10x Ideas: Your Guide To Team Collaboration On Projects Big & Small

Stop wasting time on work that doesn’t perform. Instead generate (and then execute) 10x marketing ideas that will generate 10x results vs. 10% results.

Your Instructor

Jordan Loftis
Jordan Loftis
Jordan is CoSchedule's content marketing strategist. His content chops run deep, from copywriting to hosting the "Actionable Marketing Podcast." To date, he's ghostwritten 18 business books, is a frequent speaker at conferences and retreats, and loves a good dad joke.

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